mungkin dia terpengaruh anak2 nine inch nails yang computer freaks. dulu Billy Howardell pernah bilang " kumpul dengan nin membuatku merasa jadi kaya' alien gara2 ga punya laptop sendiri".
akhirnya dia beli laptop, terus ikut2an digital recording, ngajarin axl, n download all the porn!!!
axl jadi apdet terus di dunia maya, belakangan dia ikutan forum yang ngebahas album terbarunya, posting panjang banget buat jawab pertanyaan2 / kontroversi seputar chinese democracy, aku yakin yang ikutan di forum itu juga ga nyangka kalo axl bakal masuk forum! hehehe^^
eiya kemaren juga ga sengaja liat komentarnya axl tentang diru, waktu itu dia lagi ngebahas video2 yang diputer di headbanger's ball, kebetulan video diru yang diputer tuh CLEVER SLEAZOID, ni komentarnya dia
This is one of those bands that’s getting a shit load of attention right now, and I don’t understand why. They dress like Portrait of an American Family-era Marilyn Manson and play pretty standard screamocore. The heavy parts are kinda cool, but the chorus SUCKS. Plus, they’re Asian, so they have no chance of looking really scary, no matter how many strobe-lit roaches they put in the video. I bet there are kids who analyze this shit frame-by-frame, as though it had some deep meaning. There’s actually one cool shot near the end, when the whole band is in silhouette and their shadows are up on the ceiling. It’s pretty epic. Otherwise this band does nothing for me, and this video ain’t doin’ a thing to change my mind.
wah wah biasanya emang orang ga langsung suka ama diru, pertamanya biasa aja, tapi lama2 bisa falling love lho
lagian ada kata2 "The heavy parts are kinda cool" atau "There’s actually one cool shot near the end" itu tanda2 kuat calon fans, masih ada harapan ni kakek2 bakalan suka sama diru hehehe^^
dengerin lagu yang lain ya kang axl, jangan cuma CLEVER SLEAZOID
Labels: dir en grey, guns n roses
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